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A Jedi’s Revenge (Page Three)

(TO PREVIOUS PAGE) He took a breather, and then continued, “Qui Gon and I had just captured this scumbag Sith apprentice here, when we saw your spaceship arriving. I used a pair of Omniculars to confirm that it was indeed you, and I was proven right. So I waved to you. And all of us will have to stick together, if we want to make it out of this Sith hellhole in one piece. Do not leave our sight. I have forced Draco here, to lead us to where Harry is being kept prisoner, so we should be able to find Harry almost immediately.”

Watch out, padawans. Evil Sith Lords are lurking at every turn.

Watch out, padawans. Evil Sith Lords are lurking at every turn.

Qui Gon nodded. “Make sure the prisoner doesn’t escape,” he added, “And that he leads us to Harry Potter, without using any form of manipulation, cunning or trickery on us.”

Draco had an angry, black look etched permanently on his face. Which wasn’t surprising, Ron thought, sniggering to himself. Give that scumbag a taste of his own medicine.

With that, the four Jedi followed the young Sith apprentice into the depths of the Sith Shelter. Draco appeared resigned to leading the Jedi to where Harry was imprisoned.

And with Draco warning them of all the possible dangers, as well as skilfully helping them battle any advancing armies of droids and removing any major obstacles in their path, the Jedi were easily able to get through to the dungeons where Harry was being imprisoned.

The dungeon door was locked, but the Alohomora spell easily opened it. No lightsabre action was required this time.

“Harry’s located in that cell at the far end,” Draco, who had been silent all this while, piped up helpfully, “But I will need some light to take you there.”

“I will provide that,” Dumbledore said. He looked down at his wand, waved it, and muttered, “Lumos!”

Immediately, his magic wand became a mini torch.

And the four Jedi followed the Sith apprentice deeper into the dungeon, using Dumbedore’s wand to light up their path.

Once again, Draco helped to clear any obstacles along the way and warned the Jedi in advance, when there was something blocking their path. Ron wondered why he was suddenly being so helpful, but he dared not ask any questions.

That is, until the group arrived at Harry Potter’s prison cell.

And, at that very precise moment, before Hermione’s mind could even register what was happening, a glowing, blood-red lightsabre suddenly appeared, slicing straight through the air like a guillotine at breakneck speed, heading straight for her slender neck.

And then the lightsabre completely severed her carotid artery, resulting in her blood suddenly gushing out in torrents, like a scarlet-red waterfall. Her blood flowed straight down onto the spot she was standing, creating a beautiful but sinister paddling pool of bright red liquid.

Hermione’s mouth opened in a big, silent ‘O’ and she slumped onto the floor.

Then her eyes closed, and her blood-deprived body stopped moving altogether.

Ron was completely stunned and shell-shocked by the sight of his girlfriend’s lifeless body.

But, displaying lightning-fast Jedi reflexes worthy of a true Jedi, he spun around with his magic wand and tried to disarm Hermione’s apparently invisible attacker and murderer.


But unfortunately, he didn’t even have enough time to get the spell out of his mouth.

For, in mid-sentence, he suddenly felt a burning pain searing straight through his exposed, unprotected neck, and before his mind could even register what was happening, his head was bounding across the floor, like a ginger-moss covered soccer ball travelling towards an imaginary goal, splattering a sinister shade of bright deep-red droplets of blood in its wake.

Dumbledore allowed himself a small, sinister smile, lowered his lightsabre and cackled evilly to himself.

And then, the effects of the Polyjuice Potion started to wear off.

For, slowly but surely, Dumbledore began to turn back to his true form – Darth Lucius. And Qui Gon turned back into who she really was – Darth Bellatrix.

“Fantastic work, Lucius, Bella and Draco,” said a voice from out of nowhere. And it seemed to have magically released Draco’s bonds too. Suddenly Darth Sauron materialized, as if out of thin air. (TO NEXT PAGE)

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