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Review of Shandi Global Plant-Based Chicken Products

Shandi Global, claims to be the world’s first and only plant-based chicken product boasting 30 per cent protein content. They have announced their launch and the opening of Singapore’s largest plant-based manufacturing facility following a second-seed funding round to commercialise and scale their plant-based chicken products.

Shandi produces plant-based chicken in various formats such as patties, shreds, strips and drumsticks. They pride themselves in making 100% natural, affordable suitable-to-cook and complete protein profile meat alternatives.

Sustainable and affordable meat alternatives

Shandi was founded on the premise of creating sustainable, affordable, nutritious meat alternatives that can benefit billions worldwide.

With the world population on the increase, a global food shortage will be a reality one day and this spurred Shandi’s creators to innovative and seek alternative food sources.

Sampling plant-based chicken meats

Media and influencers were invited to receive Shandi’s plant-based chicken meats for cooking and sampling. Each set supposedly consisted of Shandi chicken nuggets, Shandi chicken balls, Shandi shredded chicken meat, and cooking suggestions.

When the media drop arrived about two weeks later, the actual contents were eight pieces of fried, breaded chicken nuggets and half a chicken sandwich on white bread with a slice of tomato, a leaf of lettuce, a small piece of onion and a white sauce. There was an ingredients list. No cooking suggestions were provided.

For the chicken sandwich, the “meat” did resemble chicken in terms of its texture. In terms of the taste, it was softer and more starchy than actual chicken. It had rather mild flavour notes. It somewhat reminded me of chicken luncheon roll to some degree.

When bitten into, the texture of the chicken nuggets also looked like chicken. In terms of the taste, it had a mild spicy note from the flavourings and seasonings which had been added to the coating. The flavourings were pretty distinctive and I could not really taste much else besides them.

Hopes to help consumers switch to a plant-based diet

With Shandi’s plant-based chicken so similar to meat, Shandi hopes that their products will help consumers switch to a plant-based diet while consuming the same food they love, and reduce meat consumption without compromising taste and nutrition, as well as to help food producers easily turn every meat-based food into plant-based food without any change in their recipes.

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