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Race Review: Herbalife Marina Run 2023 (21.1KM)

After a hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Herbalife Marina Run returned last evening, with 5km, 10km and 21km categories.

I remember that a few editions prior to Covid-19 had featured a 30km category, but 21km was the longest distance this year. 

Takes runners around Marina Bay

As the name suggested, the Marina Run takes runners around the scenic Marina Bay, passing through iconic landmarks and beautiful gardens of Singapore. The run started and ended at the Marina Barrage this year. 

The 21km race consisted of two loops of the 10km course.

The route was entirely on park connector. No roads were closed for the race. 

Saturday evening run

Being a Saturday evening run with a civilised flag off timing, this race definitely appeals to runners who are not keen to wake up at the ungodly hour of 3am to make it down for a running race. 

I took part in the 21km category, which flagged off at 7:30pm in the evening.

The 5km and 10km events were flagged off earlier. 5km was at 4:30pm and the 10km was at 5:30pm. 

Running the 21km race 

I reached Marina Barrage at 7pm and managed to catch up with some friends who were taking part in the 10km and the 21km events. 

The flag off was punctual at exactly 7:30pm sharp. I was near the front of the start pen and started running soon after the flag off.

My race thoughts and strategies 

Prior to the event, I was contemplating whether I should go for it at this race and whack.

But soon after beginning my run, I found myself quickly reconsidering and decided against that. There were a few reasons. 

Firstly, it was a super humid evening. I could already feel the soaring humidity levels. It had been a hot day and all the heat had dissipated into the ground. So I didn’t want to try too hard and kill myself trying.

Secondly, my legs were feeling tired because it was an evening race and I had been awake since morning, having already done a 5km earlier at parkrun. 

Route not smooth 

Thirdly, because the route was not smooth. It was a busy Saturday evening and Marina Bay was bustling. Large crowds had congregated at the area to catch the fireworks from the National Day Parade preview show.

At least we got to see the fireworks ourselves during our run though. Our vantage point at the Tanjong Rhu park connector where we were running wasn’t the most fantastic, as the fireworks were small and our view was from across the river. But we still got to see something. 

As the race route was not cordoned off, we had to weave in and out of the crowds as we ran.

This was especially so when we began the second loop. The crowds consisted of fast cyclists as well as walkers and many of them were completely oblivious and unaware of their surroundings. 

There were marshals around, but on many occasions, their shouts to make way for runners fell on deaf ears. 

It would have helped if at least half of the park connector route had been cordoned off for the race.

Obstacle challenges 

As well, there were obstacles along the way too. For example, we had to climb a short staircase to cross a bridge in front of the Marina Bay Sands. 

Another obstacle was the curbs that we had to watch our step at, so as not to trip and sprain an ankle. One such kerb was at the Bayfront Avenue pedestrian bridge around the F1 Pit Building. The low light and low visibility at these sections of the route were also hindrances.

Trail Running 

Small segments of the route also resembled trail running. These included a grassy hill that was relatively steep just in front of the F1 Pit Building where we crossed over to the Kallang Park Connector. 

So we had to slow down to a walk and take extra care, in order to make our way downhill. There was also a section on flat grass where we had to run over. Fortunately it was not muddy so my shoes remained clean.

A steady pace

I generally maintained a steady 5:30 plus min/km pace throughout most of the run. I was running a couple or so mins ahead of the two hour pacers. 

With this event being a relatively small race, there were few runners around me for the majority of the run. Runners were quite scattered as everyone generally runs at different paces.

Race hydration 

There were three hydration points along the course. For the 21km, this meant six times that we could refuel. 

Considering the high humidity levels, I felt that having more hydration points would have be better. At least the isotonic beverage being given out was cold.

Kilometre markers 

There were kilometre markings along the course, but the signage were small and easy to miss seeing. I think I only spotted about four or five markers in total. I’m not sure whether there could have been more.  

I did notice a 10km marker positioned just before the Marina Barrage bridge. From this point to the finish line, I would estimate the distance to be at least 600 to 700 metres.

With the design of the two-loop course and the fact that we had to run through the finish area to begin the second loop, the site also got quite confusing, as the organisers didn’t know whether runners were finishing or whether they were embarking on a second loop.


For me, when I crossed the finish gate at my first loop, I noted that the clock read 53 minutes, so it was quite obvious that I had just finished my first loop. As this timing would have been faster than the 21km world record! 

But when I crossed the finish line after my second loop, the marshal there actually had to ask me whether I was on my first or second loop. I noted that he was confirming with almost every runner who crossed.

I crossed the finish line with Ben. Both of us had been keeping within each others sights the whole way and running at a similar pace. So I thought it would be quite nice to finish the run together.  

I think that instead of having a two-loop course, it would have been better to extend the second part of the run out to East Coast Park. Doing so also does not require the closure of any roads.

Sub 2

The distance clocked on my Garmin was 21.51km. As I had earlier suspected at the 10km point, the course was indeed long. 

My unofficial timing was 1 hour 59 mins 49 seconds based on my Garmin. Sub 2. Despite the challenges and obstacles and slightly longer route.

The clock timing which read 1 hour 54 mins was not accurate; there was apparently some technical issues causing the official click to run at five minute slower.

Someone shoved a gel into my hands when I crossed the finish line. It was a Koda energy gel.

I’ve never tried the brand before, but I always need energy gels for my runs anyway, so I kept it and also took a couple more to help them clear off their remaining stock. 

It was a short walk around the bend to take our finisher medals and t-shirts. As well we also received a bottle of water as refreshment. Thankfully it was cold. 

Simple race village 

The race village was quite simple, with a few photo props, as well as lots of isotonic drink available. There was also chocolate and vanilla Herbalife nutrition shakes.

It was all thirst-quenching but I was feeling quite hungry by this point and I wanted some real food. A free banana would have been nice but I didn’t see any around.

Post Race and thoughts 

Post-race, I caught up with more friends at the race area before making my way back to McDonald’s for supper, as it was beginning to get rather late already and I needed to get some food into my stomach. 

It was a fun experience at the Herbalife Marina Run 2023 and I did enjoy myself taking part in the event. 

Race video


  • Eunice says:

    Yeah….the markers were also very confusing. I was wondering where everybody was when I went through the 10k one and tot I had finished.

    • Priscilla says:

      yeah… the 10km marker was not the end of the race, the 10km run was actually a 10.7km run.

  • Senthil says:

    Well said. You forgot to mention about heavy machineries. The heavy machineries along the F1 pit and safety workers waving lights on runners to keep them away from the machineries. Also at some point after F1 pit, we were asked to detour due to the heavy vehicle being parked in the running route which added up the mileage. My garmin measured 21.69 km.

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