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Tips on How To Beat Some Of Candy Crush Saga’s Harder Levels 97 To 147

Candy Crush Saga is a match-three game that starts off easy, but as you progress higher up the levels, it gets harder and you may encounter problems trying to clear later ones. Level 35 is said to be the first of the harder levels in the game, but it just gets much worse from there.

To beat levels between 97 to 147, read on.

Level 97

Level 97

Level 97

This is a particularly hard level because you have only 25 moves to score 100,000 points. Moreover, there are so many bombs present and these will threaten to end your game, if you do not clear them fast enough.

So how then, do you beat Level 97?

For a start, you should try and get rid of the bombs at the first available opportunity you get – even if you might see another move elsewhere on the board. If you do not, you may not get another chance to get the bomb out of the way before its timer ticks down to zero.

As well, try to look out for combos. For example, a striped candy and a wrapped one is a very powerful combination. A striped candy with a colour bomb is even more powerful. So try to create these whenever you get the chance, in order to rack up the points.

Another tip to clearing this level is to make sure you get a good starting board. Do not make the first move until you like the layout that you have – and you won’t lose any lives. If you want to progress in Candy Crush Saga, it is worth doing this.

Want more Level 97 Tips. Click here.

 Level 98

Level 98

Level 98

This level is a little easier than Level 97, because you have 40 moves to get 90,000 points. But to some, it may be quite hard.

To clear this level, focus on getting rid of the bombs, because clearing each bomb will give you 3,000 points. Also try to clear candies from the bottom of the board in the hope of getting cascades. As well, you should also try and make special candies to rack up the points too.

 Level 135

Level 135

Level 135

This is another hard level in the Candy Crush Saga game, and many players can easily be stuck on it for weeks, even months. In this level, you are supposed to swap two pairs of wrapped candies together – and it is increasingly tricky to create such wrapped candies, let alone getting them together.

So then, how do you beat Level 135?

For a start, try to focus solely on making wrapped candies. It is a lot easier to look out for the “L” shape, but do not fall into this trap – that is why a lot of players fail at this level. If you try to master the “T” shape, you will see a lot more chances of making wrapped candies on the board than you had originally thought possible.

Also, do not succumb to the temptation of creating a colour bomb or a striped candy, because these will only end up exploding the wrapped candies that you have painstakingly created – and then you will have to start again from scratch.

Another tip to beating this level is to get your wrapped candies to the bottom of the board, because then it makes it easier to get two wrapped candies next to each other.

 Level 147

Level 147

Level 147

This is another hard and often frustrating level because of the bombs at the top. As a result, you will have to waste some moves just to get rid of them.

But Level 147 is not impossible to clear and it can be done.

For a start, try to focus on one side of the board at a time, because this will limit the number of bombs that you have to get rid of. As a result, you won’t be so confused and end up clearing bombs rather than meeting the objectives of the level.

Try to clear candies from the bottom of the screen. This is because if you do, you would then be able to clear bombs or candies at the top due to cascades. If you can get combos, such as striped or wrapped candies, you should go for it even though these are quite hard to make at this particular level.

CLICK HERE for MORE tips on LEVEL 147!!

More Candy Crush Levels:

Stop the chocolate! Click HERE!

Read more Candy Crush Saga!

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